Saturday, June 16, 2012

Grandma's Morning Walk

Breakfast and Journey to Grandma's a few days ago. After we ate, we walked to the train station!
Shui Jian Bao, and Luo Buo Gao!
The best pudding ever.
motorcycle.. check!
trains.. check!

I went on a morning walk with my grandma the next day. She goes to this mountain trail (at 5 am) called "18 peaks mountain" and walks for two hours or so. We saw a lot of little animals and people exercising.
packs of stray dogs! 
Pretty flowers!

lizard.. check!
click the photo to see many spiders hanging on their webs!!

People exercising below

Afterwards we had purple rice fan tuan for breakfast!
 I actually saw Super Junior Posters at the bookstore too! but did not bring my camera. More to cross off my checklist!!

A funny conversation between my mom and grandma concerning spiders:

Grandma: Spiders are so small! How do they have so much material to build their webs!
Mom: if humans had materials to build webs, I wonder how much we would have!

  • Places
    • Rice Fields
    • The Pacific Ocean
    • The Mountains
    • Night Market
    • The Beach
    • The Food Market
    • Bamboo Forest
    • Sketchy Alley
    • Temples
      • Incense
      • Deities
        • Matsu
        • Tu Di Gong
  • Animals
    • Monkeys
    • Spiders
    • Bihu (lizard thing)
    • Butterfly
    • Dragonfly
    • Mosquitoes and their bites
    • Pig
  • Meal Food
    • Zhutong Fan (Bamboo Rice Meal)
    • Beef Noodle Stew
    • Fan tuan (Rice.. er. ball)
    • Vegetarian Food 
    • Stinky Tofu
    • Zhong Zi (Pyramidal Rice in Leaves)
    • Ba Wan (Meat in Glutinous Rice Dough)
    • MOS Burger
    • Luo Buo Gao (Radish Cake)
    • Dan Bing (Egg Tortilla)
    • Xiao Long Bao (Buns
  • Desserts & Drinks
    • Dou Hua (Tofu Dessert
    • Bubble Tea 
    • Shaved Ice
    • Yang Le Duo (Yogurtish Sugary Drink)
    • Pudding (it's better in Taiwan than here)
    • Tea
  • Fruit
    • Guava
    • Lychee
    • Passion Fruit
    • Grapes (it's better in Taiwan than here) 
  • Transport
    • Gao Tie (high speed rail!!!!) 
    • Mossy Stairs 
    • Motorcycle
    • Truck
    • Country Road
    • City Road
    • Traffic
    • Cable Car
    • Train
  • Funny Western Things
    • Similar Businesses
    • Engrish
    • Funny Products
  • Abstract
    • Heat
    • Cuteness
  • Misc
    • Interesting Toilets
  • Pop Stars
    • TVXQ
    • Super Junior

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