Friday, August 3, 2012

Origami Shelter

Something of more substance than my last post..

I saw this come up on my Google Reader! Since I've been playing around with some origami, I found this design to be intriguing.

Many origami designs can be pressed, flatly before you make it come to life. This design uses that principle to help people in disaster situations by allowing large quantities of it to be shipped around, efficiently!

This picture came from here. Please click for more interesting

We're Making Loud Music

Oh Michelle Branch, how I miss thee!!!

That is all.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Humpback Rock

On my last day in Charlottesville, my good friend and I went to Humpback Rock for a quick hike before going home. It's located about 40 min away from Charlottesville on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The parkway itself has some nice views of the Shennendoah. Here is some info on the hike if anyone's interested in going. It was a pretty steep one mile hike uphill and we had to stop a few times before getting there. Though I think going down was worse for me.

The trail is well shaded and since we went in the morning, it was nice and cool.

There were a lot of cute families on the hike and we also a dad taking his two (2 or 3 or 4 year old) sons on the hike. I saw them and was thinking.. Ah, if these kids can do it, so can I! But then a few yards up the trail, one of the kids started crying and the dad carried him all the way up the mountain.

We also saw a group of volunteers fixing up the stairs along the way! Sounds like it'd be pretty cool to join them.

There were 3 or 4 milli or centi ? pedes on the way!

looked like a rusty piece of metal at first! 

at the top.. first you see the sky between these rocks

then you climb the rocks and the land below slowly appears

the view! 

a mysterious tree with striped bark. 

meadow by parking lot 
don't forget to click on the photo for a larger view!