Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lord Nibbler

For the past few weeks I have been working on this stuffed animal of Lord Nibbler, from the show, Futurama. I followed this pattern on Ravelry by Elizabeth Jarvis for anyone who's interested/has a Ravelry account. 

Basically Lord Nibbler was found on the planet, Vergon 6 by the delivery crew. He is and acts rather adorably as the crew's pet, even though he is able to speak and is quite intelligent. As Earth's ambassador from his home planet, he has saved Earth a few times, but erased people's memories so that they don't remember and still treat him as a cute creature. 

He will eat ANYTHING. Viciously.

He also excretes dark matter, which weighs a ten thousand pounds and can be used to power the space ship. 

Well that's the basic introduction to the little feller. Here is my knitting of him! 

before he was born

before the cords were cut
Lord Nibbler on his throne
eating yarn
And today I gave him to my very good friend! :)

Friday, August 10, 2012


Guess what everybody? I'm feeling a lot better.

..and I also revived my love for naan. Also Malai Kofta is amazing too.

These pictures are from websites, but just so you know, my friend and I will make a store with all the good things in the world-- naan, ice cream and yarn. -- THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FUTURE. LOOK OUT FOR "ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN THE WORLD" STORE NEAR YOU! 

and I also found out that TP stands for toilet paper!!!

This picture is also from a website, but wow..

Monday, August 6, 2012

I am wise no longer

Ok, lame wisdom teeth removal joke, but I am wise no longer as of today. You may actually believe that I was not wise in the first place. I think the only thing I've ever said that was perceived to be wise, was not intentionally so.

After final reviews (for anyone that doesn't know, final review week is the most horrible time in the world. Spend 20 or more hours a day on one project, drawings and model for a week.. you know you'll be screwed up internally)

Student 1: Yay!! Final is over!! It feels so great! Like the sun came out.
Me: ha ha. no. YOU came out to the sun! The sun was always there. (referring to spending 20+ hours in dark computer labs)
Student 2 took this very metaphorically and hence it sounded very wise
Me: *surprised* ohh yeah, wise.

Well I've been living off of blender food. Not sure exactly what goes in, but it's purdy healthy if it comes from my mother. I know I had chicken soup at one point and this delicious purple soy milkshake type thing. And I've mostly been sleeping.

I saw this ice packing superhero today too...