Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mr. Turtle... or maybe Ms.

While playing frisbee with my good friend, we found this cute little turtle. Actually, he/she was actually pretty big! As you can see, it takes a whole hand to wrap around his body! After we picked it up and took pictures of it, we set it back onto the grass, and it scuttled away under a bush, like it was saying "you can't see me! I have disappeared!" 

Hello there! Enjoying the grass.
Chillin' on a frisbee
Getting ready for pictures with the humans!

Multigrain Multihoney Multioatful

This is the oatmeal I had today:

It's quite plain, as this is the THIRD to last time I will be eating this feed.. for a while.
-Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal (yeah..)
-Cascadian Farm Multigrain Squares (kind of like Chex, but the grain flavor is strong)
-Wheat Germ (to be healthy)
-Flax Seed (to be healthy too)
-HONEY drizzled on top (mMm)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Come to my Honey Melon Oatmeal

This is the oatmeal I had today! 
It was the right amount of sweetness for me.
-Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal (again)
-Cantaloupe (chopped up)
-Wheat Germ (healthy stuff)
-Flax Seed (more healthy stuff)

Thursday, June 7, 2012


This is my good friend's dog who passed away last week. Her name is Sasha. We will miss her!

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

This is the oatmeal I had today: 
The idea for it came from the Quaker Oats version.. apple and cinnamon! But with fresh apples this time.

-Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal (yet again)
-Tiny apple slices (as small as I could cut it)
-Cinnamon (my favorite)
-Brown Sugar (sweet is good)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pigs Love Oatmeal Too!

Who knew? The best part of this video is at 1:05, where he just dives right in!

Unhealthy Healthy Oatmeal

Well, there has been a very sudden decision to go to Taiwan!!!!!!!!!!!! We will be leaving next Monday. SO, I only have FIVE more days of eating oatmeal in "this barren wasteland!" This blog title may be changed to.. a summer of more exciting foods than oatmeal! I will keep ya'll posted on my trip, while I am there! 

 This is the oatmeal I had today: 

-Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal (again)
-Chocolate covered fruit (I believe either pomegranate or blueberry)
-Flax Seed (the healthy part of this oatmeal)
-Wheat Germ (the other healthy part of this oatmeal)

Usually the chocolate melts, but this time my oatmeal was too cold :( 
So there it is.. chocolate for breakfast. Ima be bouncin' off the walls in a second.. watch out. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rainbow Arduino: Part 2

So after making the LED light up in rainbow colors, I decided to make it more interactive. I combined my code with this one from the Arduino site. 

I'm using this photoresistor to adjust the colors of the RGB LED with the same wiring from the last code. 

I had to sketch a little graph in my planner to figure this out since I am not a programming genius.

as you can see, finals ended on the 15th

If you are interested in the code: 

Rainbow Aardvark: Part 1

I've been fiddling around some more with Arduino. Using some of their tutorials for ideas, I programmed an RGB LED to flash rainbow colors! An RGB LED is like a freak of nature. It's like an LED, but with FOUR legs instead of two and you can adjust the RGB values that go into each leg to make it a certain color. 

Also, since the LED was so bright, you can see the color more clearly reflected on the visitor's badge of my high school. See my face turning weird colors! 

Here's the code if anyone's interested: 

Carrot Juice Art

As I promised from yesterday. Plus some Photoshop fun! I adjusted the levels too after doing the filter.

Original Image
Photoshop filter: glowing edges
Photoshop filter: reticulation
Photoshop filter: extrude
Photoshop filter: solarize

Salty Oats

This is the oatmeal I had today: 

'Twas salty, and frankly, kind of strange. I used: 

-Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal (yet, again)
-Peanuts (Snoopy approved)
-Seaweed Seasoning (good for porridge, strange in oatmeal)
-Wheat germ (that healthy stuff that don' taste like nothin')
-Flax seed (that other healthy stuff that don' taste like nothin')

the chipmunk of the front steps approves! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dumper Rings!

My mom and I made some dumplings yesterday! I have a feeling this blog will be filled with food posts, of course including oatmeal. 

The skin we used
We blended the filling ingredients together
Carrot juice! Stay tuned for a carrot juice art post
We used pork, cabbage, carrots, shrimp, green onion and ginger
adding a bit of soy sauce. Looks kind of like shaved ice, doesn't it?
getting ready to wrap the dumplings!
Five plates of wrapped and frozen dumplings. 

The innards. Needed a bit of soy sauce.

Cinnamon Brown Sugar O Oatmeal

Here is the oatmeal I had today: 

It's rather simple and the ingredients are basically in the title, but I shall be more specific: 

-Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal (again, as always)
-cinnamon (which looks like dirt in the picture)
-brown sugar (the little crystals in the picture) 
-Cascadian Farm Purely O's

So is it cereal or is it oatmeal? The answer is.. 

oatmeal! the cereal that covered this oatmeal in this picture was soon submerged into the oats. and eaten. 

I'd love to hear some oatmeal ideas and comments too! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Arduino the Aardvark

I've been playing around with Arduino with a friend recently. It's similar to that basic stamp/ microcontroller stuff we played around with in Tech class in high school. I was really horrible at it and never thought I'd be interested in it.. ever again! SO glad to be done with it! But then recently, I signed up for this course called Making Things Interactive because I was craving some technical skills. Oh the irony. Throughout high school, I was looking for a creative outlet and now in college, I am looking for technical ones! 

Here's one of the things my friend and I made: 

When the button on the left is pressed, the LEDs light up one by one from the left side. When the button on the right is pressed, the LEDs light up starting from the right. 

This is the code we wrote for it if anyone is interested: 

Healthy Fruity O Oatmeal

This is the oatmeal I had today.

-Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal (I have been eating this all summer so far)
-Strawberries (cut up into fan shapes)
-Blueberries (plop plop plop plop)
-Cascadian Farm Purely O's (like Cheerios, but not as sweet)
-Wheat Germ (some healthy stuff)
-Flax Seed (some more healthy stuff) 
-Honey (SUGAR is always welcome) 

the dog ate my oatmeal
We also bought lychees! They were actually pretty good and actually sweet. It's very unlikely that you find good lychees, or any lychees at all, in "this barren wasteland."