Sunday, June 9, 2013

Berlin Wall Memorial

A really well done memorial for the Berlin Wall.

death strip

foundations of an old house in the death strip

in a really awesome church

the church from the outside

preserved part of the berlin wall. aluminum to reflect
wall to show that it continued 

part of the wall 

memorial to those who tried to escape

from another angle


So many people! it's just like the Taiwan night market, but during the day! They also had this huge field where people sat, hung out, barbequed and listened to people sing karaoke. 

Flea market: buy anything you can imagine!

that guy lying down.. his belly fat was jiggling

swingsets for adults! 

huge karaoke crowd! 

the singer was pretty cool, played guitar

Can anyone who has heard this music really be a bad person?

From the movie, The Lives of Others,

"Can someone who has heard this music, I mean truly heard it, really be a bad person?"

Kaki King's song "Can anyone who has heard this music really be a bad person?" 

I wonder if the song's inspired by the movie?