Sunday, June 2, 2013

Berlin Day 1

Took a tour of South East Berlin. Unfortunately forgot my camera, but my roommate took these awesome photos!

List of places we went/saw:

-Haci Baba: YUMMY FOOD. can post pictures of food from there later because I will go back. I had a chicken schnitzel (flattened, fried meat) in a wrappy sandwichy thing with salad. delicious.
-train stations and such
-Treptower Park Soviet Memorial: The word they described it as was "impressive" --indeed it was impressive. makes you feel small.
-cute garden: instructional for children and such
-instructor's home: had some yummy gingerbread? chocolates
-Bohemian village: cute little houses
-cute restaurant: little house in a garden, had MORE schnitzel. more schnitzel than I need. Potatoes were delicious too. Also tried blood and liver sausage like a good Taiwanese would.
-Flea market! cute little stands where you could buy power tools and towels

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