Friday, July 6, 2012

And More Food..

We went to the mall alllllllllll day long.

grilled stuff!

fried tofu with green onion and radish soaked in soy sauce

xian cao, a type of jelly made from grass

Xue Hua Bing!! Like the kind at Cool Ice Taipei in Pittsburgh.
a mix between shaved ice and ice cream. Peanut, red bean and mango flavored.

  • Places
    • Rice Fields
    • The Pacific Ocean
    • The Mountains
    • Night Market
    • The Beach
    • The Food Market
    • Bamboo Forest
    • Sketchy Alley
    • Temples
      • Incense
      • Deities
        • Matsu
        • Tu Di Gong
  • Animals
    • Monkeys
    • Spiders
    • Bihu (lizard thing)
    • Butterfly
    • Dragonfly
    • Mosquitoes and their bites
    • Pig
  • Meal Food
    • Zhutong Fan (Bamboo Rice Meal)
    • Beef Noodle Stew
    • Fan tuan (Rice.. er. ball)
    • Vegetarian Food
    • Stinky Tofu
    • Zhong Zi (Pyramidal Rice in Leaves)
    • Ba Wan (Meat in Glutinous Rice Dough)
    • MOS Burger
    • Luo Buo Gao (Radish Cake)
    • Dan Bing (Egg Tortilla)
    • Xiao Long Bao (Buns
  • Desserts & Drinks
    • Dou Hua (Tofu Dessert
    • Bubble Tea
    • Shaved Ice
    • Yang Le Duo (Yogurtish Sugary Drink)
    • Pudding (it's better in Taiwan than here)
    • Tea
    • Xian Cao
  • Fruit
    • Guava
    • Lychee
    • Passion Fruit
    • Grapes (it's better in Taiwan than here)
  • Transport
    • Gao Tie (high speed rail!!!!)
    • Mossy Stairs
    • Motorcycle
    • Truck
    • Country Road
    • City Road
    • Traffic
    • Cable Car
    • Train
    • highway
  • Funny Western Things
    • Similar Businesses
    • Engrish
    • Funny Products
  • Abstract
    • Heat
    • Cuteness
  • Misc
    • Interesting Toilets
  • Pop Stars
    • TVXQ
    • Super Junior

    1. omg ting i want to eat everything in your blog. EVERYTHING.



      1. hi Vicki!! haha I want to too! Again, I mean..

        come to Taiwan someday! :)
