Friday, July 6, 2012

Xing Yue Tian Kong

We went to this place called Xing Yue Tian Kong (Star Moon Sky) on top of this mountain. It was basically a touristy resort like location with both food and things for people to do. But most people go there for the very broad view from atop of this mountain.

This little piggy likes to play push with your hand

the piggy's home

day view. there's more to both sides, but I haven't yet made the panorama

Sunset view
night time view

really interesting bathroom. in front of the urinal is a glass pane
and behind it is a small sculpture garden

what the restaurant is like

a cat thing that is native to Taiwan

and of course there is food!
cross off pig! and interesting toilet!

  • Places
    • Rice Fields
    • The Pacific Ocean
    • The Mountains
    • Night Market
    • The Beach
    • The Food Market
    • Bamboo Forest
    • Sketchy Alley
    • Temples
      • Incense
      • Deities
        • Matsu
        • Tu Di Gong
  • Animals
    • Monkeys
    • Spiders
    • Bihu (lizard thing)
    • Butterfly
    • Dragonfly
    • Mosquitoes and their bites
    • Pig
  • Meal Food
    • Zhutong Fan (Bamboo Rice Meal)
    • Beef Noodle Stew
    • Fan tuan (Rice.. er. ball)
    • Vegetarian Food
    • Stinky Tofu
    • Zhong Zi (Pyramidal Rice in Leaves)
    • Ba Wan (Meat in Glutinous Rice Dough)
    • MOS Burger
    • Luo Buo Gao (Radish Cake)
    • Dan Bing (Egg Tortilla)
    • Xiao Long Bao (Buns
  • Desserts & Drinks
    • Dou Hua (Tofu Dessert
    • Bubble Tea
    • Shaved Ice
    • Yang Le Duo (Yogurtish Sugary Drink)
    • Pudding (it's better in Taiwan than here)
    • Tea
  • Fruit
    • Guava
    • Lychee
    • Passion Fruit
    • Grapes (it's better in Taiwan than here)
  • Transport
    • Gao Tie (high speed rail!!!!)
    • Mossy Stairs
    • Motorcycle
    • Truck
    • Country Road
    • City Road
    • Traffic
    • Cable Car
    • Train
    • highway
  • Funny Western Things
    • Similar Businesses
    • Engrish
    • Funny Products
  • Abstract
    • Heat
    • Cuteness
  • Misc
    • Interesting Toilets
  • Pop Stars
    • TVXQ
    • Super Junior 
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