Friday, June 21, 2013

zomg Bauhaus.

Sorry, all my posts in Germany are going to be about architecture! SO, my program took us to Dessau! It was suuuch an archie field day and very unreal to be standing in front of the Bauhaus since we learned all about it in school.

But first we went to the Umweltbundesamt, the Federal Environmental Agency in Dessau. It is this sustainable building, mainly in the areas of lighting, heating and cooling with geothermal energy. This was also a very archie nerd moment to see such a beautiful office. A criticisms I would have is the uneven shadows cast into the windows of the office spaces made by the triangulated steel structure of the roof. Though it creates this fascinating shadow, I can't imagine working under it. But other than that, I love the interior promenade that gives its inhabitants a strong connection to nature.

Then we walked to the Bauhaus and we saw the very beginnings of modern design!



book exchange

public crossword puzzle

Bauhaus student's dorms

Watler Gropius's Desk and chair

famous Bauhaus chair

big door details

looking up all the stairs

Klee and Kandinsky's home!

famous view

train station at Liepzig

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